
1.41.0 patch notes

Update 1.41.0 is now LIVE and available on both Android and iOS.


Updates 1.41.0 and 1.41.1

This time around our update is coming in two pieces because of technical limitations. Here are the patch notes for both updates but the features and fixes with 1.41.1 are not live in the game yet.

UPDATE 1.41.0


  • Romanian Localization
  • Enemy Indicators (Testing)
  • Damage Multipliers (Custom games)
  • Training Grounds
  • New map (Legian)
  • Map updates


Game now supports Romanian languages and is fully translated.

  • added Romanian full translation into game

Developer Comments

It was added due to fact that Romanian is one of our smaller key regions. There are other regions to consider as well, but RO was a low hanging fruit as our game systems already support their alphabet.



New accessibility player setting for enemy indication. You now have the ability to turn on additional visual overhead or outline enemy indicators to help you see enemies easier. You can customize the color of the indicator to your needs in the settings menu. The indication is not active in the Purify map due to the dark nature of that map and the modes intended for it.

New settings option: Enemy Indicator

Customize the indication to suit your needs

Default color options have been selected to help those with color blindness and visual impairments



Developer Comments

We developed the indication in a way that will not give anyone using it additional competitive advantages at high levels. It will require someone to loosely aim towards an enemy and the fade in effect is timed so that you will always see the naked non-indicated enemy before the overhead and outline indicators activate.

This feature is first and foremost intended to help those with with color blindness and visual impairments to be able to enjoy the game to the fullest. It is a personal player setting so you having it on will not impact others.


Added damage multipliers as custom room settings. These settings are only limited to custom rooms.

  • Damage multipliers can be set to a percentage value between 0% and 600%.
  • Melee damage is specifically for knife damage (no matter if it is backstab or not).
  • Utility damage is specifically for any utility that inflicts damage (such as frag grenade).

Note: when any damage multiplier is set to 0% it will still display hitmarkers where applicable. Simply put: these settings only affect the inflicted damage.

Developer Comments

More customization in hosting your custom rooms is coming in the form of damage multipliers. With these settings you will be able to host rooms that will enforce your own rules. For example, do you want to test everyone’s skill of making headshots? Set bodyshot, melee and utility damage to 0 and leave headshot damage at 100%. Or maybe you are a pacifier, and nothing hurts at all. In this case you can set everything to 0%. Whatever scenario you can come up with, these new settings will help you finding more interesting and unique ways to play C-OPS.



  • Fixed an occlusion issue


  • Added colliders to prevent bomb stuck spots


  • Fixed an occlusion issue
  • Fixed fountain not producing water footstep sounds


  • Fixed baggage belt using wrong material (for footsteps/bullet impact sound)


  • Fixed issue where glass in the bus stop was acting as a non see-through wall


  • Fixed issue where glass in the bus stop was acting as a non see-through wall


  • Fixed a few bomb stuck spots
  • Changed materials on smaller assets


  • Fixed a crash when opening Daily Login Bonus menu
  • Fixed pause menu layout not matching the screen size
  • Fixed a crash when trying to purchase an item from the Store without internet connection
  • Fixed auto-claiming ranked rewards not highlighting received items as new

UPDATE 1.41.1


Added a new game mode: training grounds. This is a non-conventional game mode, where there is no clear victory/loss condition.

  • Training grounds can be accessed through Training menu (to play alone).
  • Training grounds mode is visible in custom games (to play with others).
  • Training ground mode enforces a lot of settings which normally would be modifiable in custom games.



Developer Comments

We are excited to bring you a new game mode! Training Grounds finally makes its way into Critical Ops. This new “game mode” is unlike other game modes, where there are no actual winning/losing conditions. Instead you’ll be able to roam free and engage in different mechanics that the map will offer. More information about the map Legian below.

In order to play Training Grounds you can either enter through the Training menu (if you want to play alone) or host a custom game (if you want to play with others). If you decide to host a custom room then only a limited set of options are available to customize.


New map “Legian” added.

In Legian you will have access to the following rooms

Target practice

  • Static targets
  • Minigame/challenge mode

Recoil training

  • Visualized bullet impacts


  • Green screen





Developer Comments

Legian is specifically made for the Training Grounds game mode.

The Legian corporation is happy to provide you facilities to train your skills, no matter which faction you are affiliated with. That means Legian has strict rules and acts as neutral grounds, meaning you are not allowed to engage in conflict when on Legian property!

For now Legian offers 3 different rooms: target practice, recoil training and studio. Each room has a different purpose and Legian corporation will expand their offer of rooms in the future.

We’re looking forward to seeing your high scores in target practice, your content created using the studio and any other things you can do in Legian. Of course we are also happy to hear your feedback about both Training Grounds as well as Legian.



  • Fixed an invisible collider colliding with utilities


  • Added kill triggers in certain places to avoid abuse