1.17.0 Patch notes
Update 1.17.0 is now LIVE and available on both Android and iOS.
Ranked Season 3
We added a new Iron rank which is divided into four divisions.
Iron rank is below Bronze and will be providing much needed granularity for players currently competing at the lower end of Bronze.
We are slightly adjusting rank distribution on all ranks from Bronze to Spec Ops - Ranks from Bronze to Platinum are a bit easier to reach while reaching Master or Spec Ops is a bit harder
Starting from Season 3 players will be locked to ranked match once all players have accepted to join. Players are able to reconnect to the match at any time while it is in progress and can not join other matches while they have ranked match in progress.
Gradual leaver penalty
Players who leave ranked matches and do not rejoin will receive suspension from ranked based on the amount of penalties they have accumulated recently. Previously players could accumulate three penalties before suspension.
- First penalty: 30 min suspension
- Second penalty: 1 day suspension
- Third penalty: 2 day suspension
- Fourth or more penalty: 7 day suspension
Ranked Defuse changes
- Round wins required for Match win increased from first to 9 round wins to first to 13 round wins. This change was added to mitigate the pistol rounds’ impact on rest of the match, giving teams more chances for come backs.
- Freeze time increased from 10 to 15 seconds (Also applied in Custom Defuse). This change was added to give teams more time to communicate before round starts.
- Buy Time increased from 25 to 30 seconds (Also applied in Custom Defuse). This was added do compensate the freeze time increase.
- Player profile now has statistics for each season and best rank of current season displayed
Faction weapons & Weapon balance update
- Coalition and The Breach will have their own set of weapons when playing Defuse and Ranked Defuse game modes
- Weapon balance update to enforce the Faction weapons feature
Assault Rifles
- Coalition weapons: M4, AUG
- The Breach weapons: AK-47, SG551
- Shared weapons: SA58, HK417
- AK-47 price decreased from 2700 to 2600 (-4%)
- SG551 price decreased from 3200 to 3000 (-4%)
- M4 price increased from 2500 to 2800 (+12%)
- Price increased from 3000 to 3200 (+7%)
- Max damage increased from 36 to 40 (+11%)
- Min damage increased from 30 to 34 (+13%)
- Spread per shot increased from 0.033 to 0.066 (+100%)
- Recoil factor increased from 8.4 to 17 (+102%)
- Recoil per shot decreased from 0.066 to 0.02 (-30%)
- Coalition weapons: MP7, P90
- The Breach weapons: MPX, Vector
- Shared weapons: MP5
- Price increased from 1700 to 2000 (+18%)
- Max damage increased from 28 to 33 (+18%)
- Damage drop-off start range increased from 8 to 10 (+25%)
- Damage drop-off end range increased from 18 to 20(+11%)
- Extra clips increased from 2 to 3 (+50%)
- Inaccuracy increased from 0.4 to 1 (+150%)
- Spread increased from 1.5 to 2 (+33%)
- Spread recover increased from 3 to 6 (+100%)
- Inaccuracy decreased from 1.6 to 1.2 (-25%)
- Movement inaccuracy increased from 0.9 to 2 (+122%)
- Spread per shot decreased from 0.12 to 0.06 (-50%)
- Coalition weapons: FP6
- The Breach weapons: M1887
- Shared weapons: Super 90
- Spread decreased from 4 to 3 (-25%)
- Movement inaccuracy decreased from 3 to 2 (-33%)
- Coalition weapons: SVD
- The Breach weapons: M14
- Shared weapons: TRG 22, URatio
- Coalition weapons: XD .45
- The Breach weapons: Dual MTX
- Shared weapons: P250, GSR1911, MR 96, Deagle
- Max damage increased from 44 to 52 (+18%)
- Min damage increased from 37 to 40 (+8%)
- Damage drop-off start range decreased from 20 to 15 (-25%)
- Camera recoil decreased from 3 to 1.4 (-54%)
- Damage drop-off start range decreased from 12 to 8 (-34%)
- Max damage decreased from 52 to 44 (-15%)
- Min damage decreased from 40 to 37 (-7%)
- Damage drop-off start range increased from 15 to 20 (+33%)
- Price decreased from 600$ to 500$
- Max damage increased from 33 to 36 (+9%)
- Spread per shot decreased from 0.15 to 0.07 (-54%)
XD .45
- Damage drop-off start range increased from 6 to 10 (+66%)
- Spead per shot decreased from 0.15 to 0.07 (-54%)
Defuse economy changes
- Increased the starting loss reward count in Defuse and Ranked Defuse on pistol rounds - Resulting in higher loss reward on pistol rounds
- Winning a round after a loss will drop the loss reward count by one instead of fully resetting it
Grenade improvements
- Improved accuracy of grenade damage. Frag grenades will feel more consistent now.
Spring recoil animation system
- Replaced weapon recoil animations with a procedural spring system. This was done to make weapon firing look more dynamic and smooth as the new system doesn’t suffer from animation clipping or blending issues and allows us to introduce a little bit of randomness into the animations
- Replaced view model bobbing animations with more realistic ones
- Recoil animation changes do not affect the accuracy of weapons