1.16.0 Patch notes
1.16.0 is now LIVE and available on both Android and iOS.
Improved Bullet Tracers
- Bullet tracers were revamped to give players more visual cues on where and with which weapons the gun-play is being performed. Players are also given visual clues on when they are running dry on ammo.
Developer’s Comments:
We added these to boost bullet visibility and visual aid for locating enemies. This makes it possible to determine enemy weapon type based on the bullet tracers and make it easier to adjust aim based on bullet trajectories.
We also wanted to give a small update to the quite dated visual fidelity of the game.
Improved Damage Indicators
- Players can now see instantly where they are getting damage from.
Developer’s Comments:
Added to give more information about where characters are attacking from.
Should help with callouts in competitive matches & situations where user cannot use audio
Soft and Hard respawn timer
- To make TDM flow more smoothly and provide players a more relaxed and user-friendly experience, we wanted to introduce soft- and hard spawn timers.
Developer’s Comments:
Respawn button position can be changed in the Control editor.
Hopefully, this helps to prevent spawn camping since players now have more control over when they spawn.
Custom Games round time changes
- Custom games round time can now be set anywhere between 30 seconds to 30 minutes for Deathmatch, Defuse and Practice.
- Infinite round length option was removed
Developer’s Comments:
We felt that the current options were too limiting forcing players to either create custom games with short rounds or infinite. We decided to increase the range you can set a round length to while removing the infinite option which we saw as a troublesome option causing some custom games to linger around longer than intended.