
Patch 0.9.9 notes

Update 0.9.9 is now LIVE and available on both Android and iOS.





  • CT versus T game mode
  • Team with the most kills wins
  • Kevlar and Helmet as default gear


  • Team-based game mode
  • One winner
  • 15 weapon levels
  • Kevlar and Helmet as default gear


  • A strategic game mode, CTs and Ts have different objectives
  • Increased starting cash and round cash rewards
  • Kevlar and Helmet as default gear
  • Best out of 7 rounds
  • Teams flip after 3 rounds


  • Defuse game mode designed for more skilled and experienced players
  • Best out of 16 rounds
  • Teams flip after 8 rounds

Developer comment:

Defuse has been separated from Ranked and added as a faster Defuse-type game mode for the players who want to play more serious and tactical matches, but don’t want to play as seriously and for long as the Ranked Defuse game mode. Players can also still access the long Defuse game mode through Custom Games. With the 5v5 party support, the Deathmatch mode uses the smaller maps, Brewery and Division because 5v5 felt a bit too barren on the larger maps.

All the new Quick Matches run with matchmaking that uses a behind-the-scenes skill rating, but it heavily prioritizes speed (matchmaking is instant) and you will always be matched to the server you have selected. This may mean that selecting a popular server will have more balanced matches, but regardless you should be able to find a match for every game mode on every server.*

NOTE: Quick Matches will change how Milestones and Missions are completed. Currently, Quick Matches and Custom Games both accumulate mission and milestone progress.



Assault rifles

Increased spread when firing with assault rifles while moving and jumping

AK 47

Increased recoil

XD. 45

Increased damage at lower range


Increased price from $ 4750 to $ 4800

GSR 1911

Increased price from $ 450 to $ 500

Developer comments:

Assault Rifles have been powerful weapon of choice for a ‘Run&Gun’ situations and we wanted to enforce different play style for assault rifles. This is why assault rifles’ accuracy while moving and jumping have now been reduced. We believe that this is a welcome change, which will allow more strategical options for the players when choosing weapons. AK 47 has been too obvious pick for its price and due to it being easy to handle. Increasing the recoil forces players to recover from recoil between shots or improve their mastery of the recoil pattern in order to make accurate shots. With increased recoil for AK and the assault rifle changes mentioned above, the other assault rifles should now be feasible options when compared to AK.

XD.45 hasn’t been a viable option when compared to the other available pistols. Because of this we now increased its damage to make it a viable option, especially for close range situations. The price increase for M14 and GSR 1911 were made to universalize the prices with the other weapons and the cash rewards.


  • FIXED Grenades could deal more damage through walls when they were next to a wall
  • Facebook SDK update
  • Knife audio iterated
  • FIXED Division vent glitch/exploit
  • FIXED “Tap to Switch Weapon” not working when a player who has “Auto-equip weapon pickup” off picks up a weapon
  • FIXED Canals “peepholes”