1.49.0 feedback update
Hello, Operatives!We’ve received plenty of feedback regarding update 1.49.0 BETA, including questions about why the Incendiary Grenade deals team damage, concerns about the AUG and SG551 recoil, and requests to make Fire & Ice matches longer. In this post, we want to address your feedback.
The primary reason why the incendiary grenade deals team damage is visual clarity. When you see fire in the game, it should be clear that it will harm you. This keeps things consistent with other utility items, like how flashbangs affect both teammates and enemies or how smoke grenades impact everyone in the area.
The frag grenade doesn’t affect teammates because doing so would create gameplay interactions that could cause more harm than good, making it the exception to the rule.
By making sure the fire deals damage to all players, we also avoid creating unfair situations where teams could establish “safe zones” where only their team can stand or run through, leaving enemies at a disadvantage.
We understand that teammates who grief your matches by deliberately trying to kill you is very frustrating. That’s why we are going to be closely monitoring such behavior and will be taking appropriate action against players who engage in these disruptive activities. If you encounter a griefer, please report them in-game so we can review the situation.
Following the latest changes, many players felt the top-tier assault rifles favored the Coalition side. To address this, in the upcoming BETA update, we’ll be adjusting the AUG’s spray pattern to make it more challenging to control while slightly reducing the SG551’s recoil to make it easier to handle.
We aim to provide a constant challenge that players must overcome to be consistent with the top-tier Assault Rifles of either faction. Mistakes in handling these weapons should feel punishing while mastering spray control should be rewarding.
Matches in this mode were ending faster than you could say, “Bomb has been planted.”
We have increased the required rounds to win from 3 to 5 and removed the economy system to better match the mode’s hectic nature. There were no meaningful economic decisions to be made, and we want every player to have access to Incendiary and Smoke grenades each round to help you get familiar with the new utility. So pick your favorite shotgun and charge in!
Thanks for sharing your feedback with us! It’s invaluable in helping us improve the game, and we’re committed to continuing to listen and make adjustments based on what you’ve shared.
If you haven’t already, you can share your feedback on the update 1.49.0 here.
See you in game!
Critical Ops Development Team